
Events and Programs

50(ish) Reunion

Come take a trip down memory lane with your fellow classmates and the University of Hartford. Learn more about the 50(ish) Reunion!

As University of Hartford alumni, you are invited to attend gatherings and reunions on campus or in the Greater Hartford-area*, regional, and virtual events. Take advantage of opportunities for professional development and networking through our Hawks Soar series, or volunteer to get involved in other ways. 


Student Television Network (STN) Production Panel and Networking Symposium

Friday, March 7 | 7–9 p.m. | Wilde Auditorium, UHart Campus

A group of STN alumni will present feedback on production, editing techniques, and narrative pacing on production packages submitted by STN students. Following the feedback will be a networking Q&A panel for alumni to answer student questions, offer tips, and provide advice.

Questions? Please reach out to Kevin Walsh at

Virtual Book Talk with UHart Alumnae

Thursday, March 13 | 5–7 p.m. | Virtual

The Doctoral Program in Educational Leadership for Social Justice in Collaboration with the Office of Graduate and Professional Studies invites you to a “Virtual Book Talk” with alumnae, Dr. Jennifer Hernandez D'15, program coordinator and professor of Human Services at CT State Community College (Middlesex) and Dr. Lisa Wisniewski D'17, professor of Sociology at Goodwin University. 
These alumnae have written, and published books based on their dissertations.

Central Jersey Hawk Hangout

Thursday, March 20 | 6:30 p.m. | Old Hights Brewing Company | $20/person

Join us in Central Jersey to network, reminisce, and reconnect! Enjoy food, an open bar, and the company of Hawks across all class years.

Questions? Please reach out to

Welcome President Ward to NYC

Tuesday, March 25 | 7–10 p.m. | Downtown Social | $20/person

President Ward's second stop on his welcome tour is NYC!

Join us to, reconnect with old friends, make new connections with fellow University of Hartford alumni, enjoy delicious food and drinks, and hear the latest updates on campus initiatives and future plans directly from President Ward!

Boston Hawk Hangout

Tuesday, March 25 | 6–9 p.m. | Mighty Squirrel Brewing Company - Waltham | $20/person

Come hangout with us in Boston! Join us for networking, food and drinks on us, and plenty of reminiscing about your college days.

Questions? Please reach out to

Providence Hawk Hangout

Friday, March 28 | 6–8 p.m. | Waterman Grille | $20/person

Come hangout with us in Providence! Join us for networking, food and drinks on us, and plenty of reminiscing about your college days.

Questions? Please reach out to Roberto Fabian '19 at

Day of Giving Kickoff Party

Tuesday, April 1 | 5:30–7:30 p.m. | Alvarium Beer Company: B-Side | $20/person

Join us at alum-owned Alvarium Beer Company for our Day of Giving Kickoff Party! Reconnect with local alumni, chat with President Ward, and enjoy yummy bites and tasty drinks.

Day of Giving 2025

Wednesday, April 2

Join us for our annual Day of Giving on Wednesday, April 2! Every gift, no matter the size, empowers our students to Soar for More..

Dream Murals: Public Art with Hartford Art School Alumni - Artist Panel

Friday, April 4 | 4–6 p.m. | Silpe Gallery, UHart Campus

In this community-focused exhibition, we give over the gallery walls to six alumni of the Hartford Art School to paint their dream murals. Working in public art, muralists often bend to the wishes and desires of their clients. At the same time, murals can be collaborative projects in the best of ways—an opportunity to tap into a community and give it visual expression on a large scale. This exhibition creates an opportunity for alumni to take what they have learned from these experiences and to share lessons about the transformative power of public art with the next generation of artists at the Hartford Art School.

Alumni artist panel includes Peter Albano '09, Lindaluz Carrillo '16, Vaughn Feder '05, Sophie Groenstein '22, Chris Piasick '05, M'19, and Sophy Tuttle M'19.

Latin Night 2025

Saturday, April 12 | 7–11 p.m. | Gengras Student Union | Tickets are $5 for students and $8 for guests

Latin Night, a student-run, student-sponsored event, will take place on Saturday, April 12! The event includes food, drinks, a bar, games, dance performances, and more. This is a "dress to impress" kind of night.

Save the Date!

  • April 10 – Hartford Hawks Baseball vs United States Coast Guard Academy at Dunkin' Donuts Park
  • April 24 – Welcome President Ward to D.C.
  • April 26 – LEAD Alumni Reunion

Alumni in the Community

  • Check out all of the exciting Hartt School of Music events that are taking place this winter and spring!
  • Alum owned Parkville Sounds hosts regular Parkville Sessions you can check out here. The Parkville Sessions reignite the vibrant music culture in Hartford by transforming a historic bakery-turned-music studio into a dynamic, immersive space for world-class live performances.

Lifelong learning connects the curious: Explore our President's College

People sitting in the library reading a variety of different books

Expand your intellectual horizons and share your enthusiasm for education by registering for one of our President's College courses. Taught by faculty, industry experts, and fellow alumni, these 2–4 session classes are sure to intrigue. Learn about cases being argued before the Supreme Court, Shakespearean dynamics, abstract art, science around reducing plastic waste, contemporary social protest, or a host of other topics. Enjoy being on a college campus again, catching the strains of student musicians in the quad.

Have an idea for a great event or program in your area? Reach out to us at to share more.

Hawk Gatherings: #UHartAlumni #UHart4Life

Planning a Hawk gathering in your area or virtually? We'll send you some swag so you can show off your UHart pride. Be sure to share your photos with us or tag us on social media.

Questions? Contact us at We'd love to help!

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